UCLA's Undergraduate Business Society is excited to announce the kick-off of the 2020 Fall Consulting Workshop for incoming juniors recruiting for a 2021 consulting summer internship position. The workshop is a short guide to ensure candidates are informed about the consulting industry and are prepared for consulting interviews.
As consulting recruiting gets more competitive every year, we strive to boost the chances that qualified candidates secure top consulting internship offers. The spring workshop sessions will briefly go over types of consulting, consulting firms, the technical, case-based aspect of the consulting interview, best resources to use, casing practice tips and overall interviewing strategy, as well as a timeline of the recruiting cycle. However, the main focus of the fall workshop is to provide the most qualified students an opportunity for mentorship by a qualified board of juniors who have been through and succeeded in the recruiting process. Students of ALL majors and backgrounds who are interested in consulting are strongly encouraged to apply.
This quarter, our workshop will be held virtually. All workshop videos will be posted publicly to the UBS website for any student to view. There will be 1 mandatory introductory meeting at 7pm on August 24th. Workshop will run for 6 weeks, from the week of September 13th to the week of October 18th.
If accepted, candidates MUST commit to weekly mock interviews with board members
If accepted, applicants must attend mandatory webinars held on August 27, September 3, and September 10 7:00pm-8:30 pm PST
The Consulting Workshop is only open to incoming juniors recruiting for a summer 2021 consulting internship and pursuing a career in consulting after graduation.
Applications are due at 11:59pm on Thursday, August 20th. Selected candidates will be notified for an interview and of acceptance to UBS Consulting Workshop by Monday August 24th. Please direct questions to acameer2@ucla.edu or hannahfeller17@gmail.com.